COLOR AWARD 2015 to Gualtiero Marchesi

The 2015 Color Award goes to a great Master, the most famous Italian chef in the world, the one who has managed to make color a characteristic and distinctive trait of each of his preparations, in a perfect synthesis of taste and aesthetics, senses, and beauty. In his creations, color is a clear, direct, almost ancestral message, a complementary and indispensable part of the overall harmony of the senses. His palette is measured for each dish, intending to maximize the poetic intention without misunderstandings, in a precious work of synthesis. He has translated his love for art into memorable dishes, shaping raw materials into forms and colors that, in turn, become art before they become food. Compositions that pay homage to the tradition of the great Masters he admires, emerging from canvases, museums, to become a multisensory experience. Gualtiero Marchesi’s colors nourish the eyes with beauty, feed on emotions, culture, memories… nourish our soul before our body. Thank you, Maestro.

Emanuela Orlando